Saturday, November 1, 2008

Top 10!!

Broke into the top ten this weekend. Almost broke into the top 5, but alas, I got 6th on sunday. So cigar. The race on Sunday was super fun. Felt waaaay better than I did on Saturday. Full nights' sleep, lots of good food and plenty of water. My teammate Carrie, and I dressed up as cats for the race.

I wasn't sure how dressed up people got, so I kept mine right in the middle. People got waaaay dressed up! Lots of male cheerleaders, TRON, a couple Sarah Palins, a teenage mutant ninja turtle, the cast of Team America, and a whole bunch more I can't mention.
They used pretty much the same course on Sunday as they did on Saturday, they just flipped it around. There were two semi decent climbs in the course on Sunday. I always thought climbing was my weakness, but I felt strong and was able to pass people on the climbs. Now, jumping off my bike and getting my 30" inseam legs to jump over 24" barriers, THAT is my weakness. I pretty much suck at that. I spent all this week practicing mounts and dismounts. I'm getting better, but I could still be waaay faster. The barriers is where I got passed. Then I would have to power it to catch up. Tomorrow is the Barton park race. I hear it's pretty much gravel and sand, not too much mud, which is good because it started raining here. My goal for the next 3 cross crusade races it to break into the top 5. I'm pretty sure I can stay in the top 10, but the top 5 is gonna be hard.

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