Monday, October 20, 2008

It's like a powder day on the bike!

Usually in the northwest, you aren't quite sure what mother nature is going to send your way in the name of weather. The last two weekends here have been absoultely perfect fall days!! Like a powder day...but on your bike. Last weekend we got a goup together and rode the Falls Creek trail, right outside of Carsen Washington. I hadn't ever been on that trail before, but I sure will ride it again. Conditions were perfect. No dust, no mud...just super grippy dirt. Not too cold, not too warm, sunny, slight breeze...I could go on. The trail itself starts in a creek valley and climbs steadily for about 16 miles. The climb isn't bad except for a couple steep pitches...that are totally rideable, just as long as you don't mind bustin' a lung.

The trail winds through a manicured, open forest blanketed with ferns, then up into a subalpine meadow/wetland, then higher yet into some granite scree fields. About halfway up the trail there is a huge lava tube. It's basically a big hole in the ground.

The trail is just outside Mt. St. Helens, so there is evidence of volcanic activity at various points along the trial . Pretty cool stuff. The best part of this trail is that you turn around and get 16 miles of some of the best downhill around. Big ring, and spinnin out! After 6 hours of riding, we got back to the car just before the sunset. I took this picture at the trail head. The light on the leaves and the water was perfect. Such a great day~!

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